Announcing the 2016 Camino Forum Walks

We are delighted to announce that we are officially launching our 2016 Camino Forum Walks.

4 scheduled group tours specially made for Ivar Rekve’s Camino de Santiago Forum Members.

— Camino Frances: May the 10th to May the 17th
— Camino Frances: September the 6th to September the 13th

— Camino Portuguese Spiritual Way: May the 27th to June 4th
— Camino Portuguese Spiritual Way: September the 23rd to October 1st

Finally, get to meet other forum members and Ivar while experiencing the best the last 112 km (70 miles) of the French Way has to offer, staying in 3 to 4* hotels and luxurious Galician Manors.
There are only 14 spot in each walk and it will be guided by the owner of MyDestination Galicia, Mark Auchincloss, so book early.

Find out more on either website or by contacting us

Published by

Ultreya Tours

Ultreya Tours is a incoming Tour Operator specialized in organizing comprehensive and highly personalized walking tours for groups and solo travelers on the Camino de Santiago. Founded and based in Santiago de Compostela, we know the region of Galicia and the secrets of the Camino by heart. Let us introduce you to our vision of the Camino.

One thought on “Announcing the 2016 Camino Forum Walks”

  1. Have you seen the Donkeys and Disillusionment film?

    Its showing at a Camino fundraiser on the Sunshine Coast in June.
    Its about a guy from Sydney that gives up the city life, buys a Donkey in France and just goes for it.
    It follows, over a 6 year period, the life stories of 5 pilgrims and San Pastue the donkey. Walking with them on the Camino and following up 6 years later when each pilgrim has returned home. Amazing stories from the camino!

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